Friday, April 29, 2011

Quote by Lewis Carol on service to others

‎"One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others" -- Lewis Carol

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What counts?

it's NOT the thought that counts, its the action! Remember that next time you make a promise to your customer. Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Customer experience - it's not magic!

Although technically these guys are consultants, this video has so many elements of truth that I thought it worth referring to. It's only 4 minutes or so, so give it a go!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What if you modeled your company after Google?

A good friend posted this to me, and I couldn't help but share it here and pose the question to my followers - imagine if. Seriously... no mucking around. IMAGINE IF.

Another book to add to our Library!

Short term losses for long term gains

Am posting this as a new thread (originally from my Facebook account) because I think it's important that others pick up on this attitude of small losses in the short term for big gains in the future:

From Efren Andres >> Hi, Sean! What you've shared about" keeping customers" is just timely. Guess what??? one of our customers with a preventive maintenance contract for 3yrs almost shifted to our competitor who offered a much lower contract price. I got an idea based on what you've shared... I wrote a letter to the customer thanking him for sticking with us for the past 3yrs and then I rewarded him for being loyal by taking out the 12%VAT that we imposed on the Total Contract Price (Renewal PM Contract)...After 3days, he phoned us and signed the contract! Thanks a lot Sean!....

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cult of the Customer

The key to being on top of the trends in any industry is through continued self education, and books are central to this tenet.

Cult of the Customer, by Shep Hyken, is one such book - indeed one of many, but the first i'm highlighting.

The central theme is of course about building a cult mentality within your organisation that focuses towards the customer; not just in thought, but in deed.

This top down review shows you how to walk through the operations of your business, and the minds of your employees, to implement strategies that over time will develop into a core foundation -- one of the toughest missions any company can set out to do.

Shep's well written book is on my birthday wish list, and should be on your night stand or Kindle asap!